We feel real proud to share the initiation of Sabita Lamichhane who donated ample amount of clothes for the beneficiaries of SETU. No sooner she knew about the appeal we had made for cloth donation, she started collecting the clothes from every possible hands and came up with the big collection of clothes useful to our mother and children. In our latest training session, she gifted total of fourteen saris to all the participant mothers and handed all the other collected clothes, bed sheets, bags and all to SETU Nepal that can be useful for number of other beneficiaries. The participants were overwhelmed by such generous effort for them and expressed thankful words filled with tears. SETU expresses deep gratitude and respect towards her enthusiastic effort for being a valuable part of our helping hand and make us feel rich and proud.
We look forward to come with other such paradigm too who believe that any help, no matter small or big is much appreciated and deeply needed.