Sanil is a nine year old boy, who recently graduated from grade two. Since he was four years old he had been looked after by a local childcare center. Nevertheless, he has been suspended from the childcare center because of ‘unusual behavior’. As result, he is back in prison with his mother. His mother was convicted for fifteen years, and needs to pay a penalty fee of $5,000 because of drug smuggling. At the moment, Sanil is staying with his mother inside jail, which is very hard on him. Sanil’s extended families do not have the means to support him and he doesn't have a father. Sanil is at an age where he is very mischievous and being inside prison will not help him succeed. Sanil was suspended from the center because of his behavior, however most nine year old's often act out and it’s a very harsh punishment for this nine year old. Considering what Sanil has been through it’s not surprising that he has behavior problems but if we just give up on Sanil then he will probably end up in prison like his mother.
If you think Sanil deserves a better, chance at life and be given the opportunity to study then please contact Setu Nepal.
You could help change Sanil’s life today.