SETU Nepal is implementing women economic empowerment thematic project with the support from CECI Nepal. The main aim of this project is to enhance technical skill of vulnerable and historically marginalized ethnic community’s women to initiate small scale market-led organic vegetable production business (applying safe food production approach).
SETU Nepal initiated social entrepreneurship model’s safe food production farm with agro-tourism in Changunarayan area and trying to support and link small scale vegetable producer women groups of the surrounding communities for collective marketing. The organization has successfully organized 2 events of 2 days community-based training at Khoriya and Totalang villages of Changunarayan Municipality Ward No. 4 during the month of December 2022 and January 2023. A total of 45 women actively participated in the training sessions.
The training course was designed in customized way by incorporating 8 different technical sessions. First day of the training focused on interactive discussion on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion issues within family and community while engaging women in economic activities followed by importance of climate resilience/safe food production, conceptual as well as practical aspects of market led organic vegetable production, mapping own available land resources and preparing crop calendar for year-round vegetable crop production.
Second day of the training mainly focused to transfer practical skills of nursery raising, solarization, zigzag cropping, double digging, making organic pesticide, techniques of stage wise crop care, and tips to establish market linkages with buyers and traders.
SETU Nepal has plan to provide follow up and technical backstopping to the training participants with initial seed support. Furthermore, we have plan to provide vermicompost training for selected women of the same groups in upcoming month.