Namaste from Nepal
Its seems like yesterday , But its already been more than a week i am here in my country Nepal.
Nothing can beat the feeling of being home and wet-kissed by your family and friends after an ages (4years) . Moreover the purpose to be here for coming 8weeks is way more exciting as well as challenging.
Finally i am in my home country (Nepal) for an internship where i can explore my knowledge and experience beyond any boundaries and limitations. This is time where i got the opportunity to implement my theory knowledge into a practice in real life settings where the people are still in need of food and shelter.
Before starting , i want to introduce the place where i will be working for next couple of weeks . SETU Nepal is NGOs situated in Lalitpur district which is working with HIV positive women and children by enabling them to regain an independent, decent and dignified life in society by technically and spiritually empowering them. Furthermore SETU Nepal is also the home for 6 HIV infected children together with two mothers of those children. The home called Aarati home. The home is expanded to 14 beds capacity from 4 beds by the help of ONGD/FNEL of Luxembourg. It aimed to provide holistic care as well as education support to those deprived children whose family is unstable . (Further information will be in my next blog).
During my Internship, i will involve in livelihood training for HIV positive mother participating from different part of the country. Moreover i will also involve in the planning and implementation process of day meal programme in 2 governmental school in Lalitpur district. Besides this i will also have the opportunity to go for a field visit in one of the rural area of Lalitpur named Bhattedanda.
So far my first week spent at the office. Ranju Pandey ( Program Director) provided me a bulk of information regarding polices and different programme of Setu Nepal in recent years. I must say i spent my first week mostly on planning and making strategy on how could i make my 8 weeks of internship more realistic and effective.
So far its been a week filled with awesome experiences and informations . I promise i will share more on my next blog.
I hope everybody is doing well.
Stay tuned!!
#Internship Nepal#Many more to come