SETU NEPAL is a non-profit making organization working for enabling deprived women and their children to regain an independent, decent and dignified life in society by technically and spiritually empowering them.
If you would like to coordinate with us then you contact us at the following address:
SETU Nepal
Phone: 977-1- 5275362, Fax: 977-1-4487577
Contact Person: Ranju Pandey
Executive Director
(mobile number: 9851183033)
P.O. Box 19648, Khumaltaar, Lalitpur, Nepal
SETU Nepal
A/C Number: 02105020009133
A/C Name: SETU Nepal
Nepal Investment Bank, Gangabu, Kathmandu
Swift Code: NIBLNPKT
Thanking you for your great support.